Product Catalog

21 Products
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Mifare 1K Compatible Blank RFID Card, Standard (Fudan 1K)

0.24 EUR - 0.3 EUR

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Mifare 1K Compatible Blank RFID Card, Premium (Fudan 1K)

0.33 EUR - 0.6 EUR

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EM-Marine compatible Blank RFID Card, Standard (ТК4100)

0.24 EUR - 0.3 EUR

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EM-Marine compatible Blank RFID Card, Premium (ТК4100)

0.33 EUR - 0.6 EUR

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Mifare 4K Compatible Blank RFID Card (Fudan 4K)

0.83 EUR - 1.32 EUR

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T5557/T5577 Blank RFID Card, Premium

0.8 EUR - 1 EUR

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T5557/T5577 CLAMSHELL Blank RFID Card

1.2 EUR - 1.9 EUR

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Mifare DESFire 8K, UID 7b, EV1 Blank RFID Card

3.2 EUR - 4.2 EUR

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UHF (Gen2) Blank RFID Card, Premium

0.64 EUR - 1.02 EUR

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NT4125 (Keri Systems KC-10x Compatible) Blank RFID Card

2 EUR - 3 EUR

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NT9125 (Paradox С702, Clamshell Compatible) Blank RFID Card

2.1 EUR - 2.2 EUR

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NT9126 (Paradox С706 for print Compatible) Blank RFID Card

3.2 EUR - 3.6 EUR

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NT7125 (PSC-1-A: Certain AWID Prox-Linc CS Compatible) Blank RFID Card

1.8 EUR - 2 EUR

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NT6126 (Kantech ioProx XSF/26bit, ISO7810, for print Compatible) Blank RFID Card

2.6 EUR - 3.6 EUR

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